Watch this space for exact dates, costs etc…
The results, minutes and newly updates policy will be uploaded into this sections shortly.
The updates to the site overall and new league table as well as Fixtures and Results will be highlighted on here shortly.
Time is running out now to get the names registered for each team so we will be deciding on the people involved in each team at this meeting and we will be basing each team on a combination of experience along with proven quality and we will hopefully get this spot-on although there may be one or two disappointments bu please bear in mind that in reality this is for our club and others this year quite a new look style League.
We are so very close to having enough regular members to be able to input three teams into the league but due to slightly irregular turnouts it has been impossible to take the chance to put three teams in this season, so for this reason and others, this season is to be classed as an introductory season for the members into our club and also for our club into the new look league.
It is vital to get numbers down to our training evenings and there will shortly be a simple point and click system built into this site whereby you will be able to register on here and then you can point and click on the particular training evening and simply tick the box if you will be present on the coming training night and then we are more likely to know exactly who to expect and this more or less more carefully engineer the training evening to best suit the people who are expected to attend.